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4 Courses
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Health & Physical Literacy Courses

Discover how high-quality movement in early childhood is essential for laying the foundations of physical activity, health, well-being, and academic outcomes

1 Course categories
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Enhance your skills with our expanding selection of microcredentials. These credit bearing professional development courses are crafted to assist your acquisition of sought-after career abilities and knowledge, enabling you to stay current with pertinent and emerging practices, advance in thriving industries, and gain a competitive edge.

Taster Content
1 Course categories
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Taster Content

We're offering free online undergraduate and postgraduate taster content for you to experience what being an online student would really feel like.

1 Courses
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Technology Training Centre

As consumer adoption of immersive technologies accelerates, driven by gaming and video platforms, commercial applications are expanding rapidly. From low-tech marketing campaigns to high-end simulations, businesses can leverage immersive technology to enhance consumer engagement and provide more effective development opportunities for their workforce.

1 Courses
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Canolfan Hyfforddiant Technoleg

Wrth i ddefnyddwyr fabwysiadu technolegau trochol ar raddfa gyflymach, a hynny wedi'i yrru gan lwyfannau gemau a fideo, mae cymwysiadau masnachol yn ehangu'n gyflym. O ymgyrchoedd marchnata technoleg isel i efelychiadau uwchraddol, gall busnesau fanteisio ar dechnoleg trochol i wella ymgysylltiad defnyddwyr a darparu cyfleoedd datblygu mwy effeithiol ar gyfer eu gweithlu.